Intro: So, I have no idea how to build fighter-style characters and I need help. I know it's impossible to keep in pace with Tier-1 classes but I'd like to at least keep relatively close/not useless or outdated. Campaign: For a upcoming campaign a friend is running. There aren't any details yet, but we've talked and all builds are on the table. Character Idea: Trained by a retired mercenary/adventurer, she set her goal to become a renowned adventurer and self-proclaimed knight. Aiming to vanquish evil, subdue dragons, attain greatness and wealth that she never had before. The solar corona is not visible during annular eclipses. As a result, the Moon is surrounded by an intensely brilliant ring or annulus formed by the uneclipsed outer perimeter of the Sun's disk. Alternating sword-and-board (tower shield) and pole-arm/two-handed. An annular eclipse differs from a total eclipse in that the Moon appears too small to completely cover the Sun. Races: Probably going to go with human for the feat. I also really like the aesthetic of a ordinary human against inhuman odds, but I'm open to other suggestions. Templates: LA buy-off is allowed, are there any templates worth taking to improve 'martial prowess.' Class build: I honestly have no idea where to begin with this. I've read that going full fighter is a terrible idea, and that most builds just dip 2 level into fighter. I've read that crusader is a decent melee class to go with. I'm not looking for barbarian builds and I find it hard to 'dip' into the class when the main point of this character is intending to be skill and training over poor anger management. I don't doubt the pros to barbarian dips, but I'd prefer to avoid it. If your app supports Dark Mode, consider including at least one screenshot that showcases what the experience looks like for users. The dragonfire adept looks interesting (<3 dragons are life <3) but not completely the aim for the character. Eos m50 support solar eclipse maestro Mac app store batchphoto Lightworks pro brack Qsense dfind manual MAC APP STORE BATCHPHOTO HOW TO MAC APP.